#OH12 Green Par
With 100% of precincts fully reporting, #TroyBalderson leads by 0.9% (1,754 votes) over #DannyOConnor #OH12 #OhioSpecialElection
#TroyBalderson leads by 0.8% (1,685 votes) over #DannyOConnor with 99% of precincts fully reporting #OhioSpecialElection #OH12
It looks like Republican @Troy_Balderson will win the Ohio 12th District special election. #OH12
Congrats to Troy Balderson on his pending victory tonight in Ohio! #OhioSpecialElection
#TroyBalderson leads by 0.6% (1,031 votes) over #DannyOConnor with 89 % of precincts fully reporting #OhioSpecialElection #OH12