#DemDebate wrap-up: Maintained top tier status: #ElizabethWarren Boosted his candidacy: #JulianCastro Shaky: #BetoORourke
"Adios Trump" is something I want on a campaign shirt. #DemDebate #JulianCastro
#AdiosDonaldTrump - best closing award goes to @JulianCastro #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate #Castro #JulianCastro
#JulianCastro stands out tonight as authoritative, unwavering and sharp. #DemocraticDebate
I agree with #juliancastro. We should all be "pissed off"
So right wing evangelical zealots heads are exploding across the nation as #juliancastro just endorsed gender choice.
#JulianCastro is hitting that “trans abortion” voting block #DemSebate