or those who think their glorified golf carts guarantee them a spot in Virtue Signaling Heaven, here’s a disturbin… h
cashless society, with your information digitally available to the government at all times, and a standing army… h
had no intention to go see Sound of Freedom, but the hysteria of the corporate press has piqued my interest. When… h
he globalists are downright giddy about a cashless society. Here a WEF ghoul explains that the government can then… h
??I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure it will cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and d… h
t couldn’t be clearer, folks… Title VI of the Civil Rights Act "prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, co… h
on’t take the bait on the more sensational “pride” nonsense. Forget Ukraine, the border, vaccine scares, Schiff, c… h
t’s over. We will never recover. America was slowly bled to death starting in 2008, and the mission is already acc… h
he Constitution of the United States of America is the greatest document ever created by man. Even its inherent fl… h
e now live in a world where one of the two candidates for president is literally in the crosshairs of the other pa… h