his is awesome...y'all could make one quite small choice that would do a whole lot of good here!… h
got a bunch of people on the /r/Delta subreddit mad at me because I said it was fine for a parent with a separate… h
hhh, I can block the Twitter Blue reply guys all at once...they're always right at the top. Hey! Hey...trans wom… h
e: “I gotta stop participating in the ridiculousness of modern discourse.” Me two hours later: “Do you think they… h
get a lot of graduation announcements this time each year (which is a specific and important joy in my life) so I… h
nyway, you can buy my fun bi robot adventure sci-fi books anywhere books are sold. The robot isn’t bi.… h
eople have been using this but the j cuts mess up the final product, so here it is without them! You can download… h
hold the apparently outrageous position that the people making decision about the healthcare of a child should in… h
y fingers are so tired from the alt text I’m going to take a nap. h
he first conversation I had with my oncologist, we were just talking about his experiences as a doctor (which...aw… h