AMA G!!!!! G for General!!! Absolute Legend!!!! Congratulations to the phenomenal Patience Ozokwo!!! h
ccording to the poster, this happened 4 days ago and we haven’t even heard anything from the the Police on this.… h
love how the Nigerian Police is quickly seeking Justice for one of theirs who was assaulted. I hope such speed i… h
he Nigerian Police Force should change their name to Nigerian Oppression Force. They don’t know more than harassin… h
haven’t missed Ramadan since 2010. I am very much excited about the coming one. Sadly, I see some spiteful comme… h
assionate plea to all my brothers and sisters be it Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa or any other tribe in Nigeria. Please do… h
t’s sad to see people sharing inciting contents against tribes. We have been living together in Unity. Doing busi… h
f you are claiming that it is someone from your tribe that must be President because your tribe comes first then l… h
esults that we stayed up all night to defend and ensure was uploaded at our Polling Unit wasn’t recorded on INEC p… h
NEC, in my polling unit alone over 300 people did not vote!! And there are reports of same in many PU’s!! Violence… h