??He’s become staunchly right-wing, further down the right-wing rabbit hole as far as doing the election-denying con… h
n estimated 1500 students from Staley High School in Kansas City, Missouri took part in a march today for their sc… h
federal judge has formally referred a complaint on Justice Clarence Thomas to the Judicial Conference Committee o… h
ndrew Lester told police he heard the doorbell ring, picked up his .32 caliber revolver, opened the interior door,… h
group of friends pulled into a driveway to turn around when 65-year-old Kevin Monahan came out of a house and sho… h
he homicide rate in Jim Jordan’s state of Ohio is 49 percent higher than New York City's homicide rate. In addit… h
ame: Ralph Yarl Age: 16 Race: Black Location: Missouri Year: 2023 Action: Rang wrong doorbell Result: Shot by whit… h
larence Thomas has reported between $50,000 and $100,000 in annual income from a real estate company in recent yea… h
??I’m weary. There’s only so many times you can walk in the room and tell someone they’re not coming home tomorrow…I… h
lack guy killed by police: “He was no angel. He was arrested for jaywalking when he was 16.” White guy murders fi… h