limate change is devastating the planet. What kind of future can we expect? Join me, @AOC, @billmckibben, and… h
ast year, UPS made $13 billion — that’s billion, with a B — in profits. Yes. The company can more than afford the… h
hile votes kept me in Washington, I’m joining our rally in Durham, N.C. virtually to say loudly and clearly that N… h
AISE THE WAGE: Join me and @RevDrBarber this week as we hold rallies in North Carolina, Tennessee, and South Carol… h
peaker McCarthy wants to take away nutrition assistance from 1.2 million women, infants and children while giving… h
epublicans are so concerned about the national debt that their estate tax repeal bill would give: $1.8 trillion t… h
t’s time for us to move to a 32-hour work week with no loss in pay. We can reduce the stress level in our country… h
t's time for us to move to a 32-hour work week with no loss in pay. Technology and worker productivity has explode… h
ast year, 8 Hollywood CEOs made nearly $800 million, yet pay for TV writers has fallen by 23 percent over the last… h
n the 1950s, when I was a child, CEOs made about 20x more than the average worker. In the 1980s when I was mayor… h