Want to drain the Swamp? Start by moving the FBI out of Washington, D.C. Give the agency back to Real America.
ccording to an IRS whistleblower: David Weiss tried to bring charges in D.C. against Hunter Biden. Biden-appoin… h
t's not just the southern border that's open. The northern border is seeing record illegal immigration too. Joe… h
??I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nati… h
100 homicides so far this year. -Highest in 20 years. -In only 6 months. Democrat-run Washington, D.C. h
resident Trump did nothing wrong and his home was raided. Rachael Rollins, a Biden appointed U.S. Attorney, lied… h
f they can spy on a president, political campaign, and protestors, then they can spy on you. h
hris Wray told us we can sleep well at night because of the FBI’s so-called FISA reforms. But it just keeps gett… h
emocrat-run Washington, D.C. has spent $15 million on hotel rooms, food, and provisions for illegal aliens. The… h
ollowing the Dobbs leak, some Supreme Court justices faced relentless protests at their homes, seemingly intending… h