n online struggle session has been going on against @Moms4Liberty for quoting Hitler by one of the chapters in its… h
linken’s recent meeting w/ Xi has been a hot topic among the overseas Chinese media/social media. While Gates was… h
e should trust people w/ M.D.s & Ph.D.s but not those M.D.s & Ph.D.s who spread misinformation, we are told by… h
not only heard about this term more than 50 yrs ago, I also lived through it!! Mao coined this term. With his or… h
n this old photo I wore Mao’s badge & held his little red book to demonstrate that Mao was our master & he had my… h
ow Xi weaponizes the legal system to take down his opponents? Liu Yazhou, fmr Chinese Air Force General, has beco… h
: What is a woman in Mao’s China? A: A female devoid of femininity. The story of the celebrated author Ding Ling… h
n Mao’s China women were told that there was no difference btw them & men. We were taught to dress & act like men.… h
anceling feminine beauty during the Cultural Revolution. Wang Guangmei (R), wife of President of China Liu Shaoqi… h
his is something the Chinese are very familiar with: 扣帽子 (put a [political] hat on someone or labeling someone). I… h