??No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens h
??USA!’ Chants Patriotic Man Envisioning 2-Mile Radius Of His Homogenized Suburb h
tating that it was great for workplace culture, Musk demanded that every employee shriek and laugh like schoolgirl… h
ibrary Drops Dewey Decimal System By Organizing All Titles Under ‘B’ For Books h
sing slurs like ‘adult virgin who owns electric car company’ is hateful language that will no longer be tolerated. h
olice Officers Terrified By Story Of Tape That Shows Fentanyl Then 7 Days Later You Die h
??Oppenheimer’ Given Surprise R Rating For Title Character’s Near-Constant Full-Frontal Nudity… h
arget Scales Back Pride Section To Single T-Shirt Saying They’d Do A Threesome With A Girl For Their Boyfriend’s B… h
: You often take issue with the term “systemic racism,” why is that? A: Millions of Floridians make a conscious… h