ew Pew/CDC data: Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years—up 100% in 10 years This is the h… h
f it’s not safe for an honor student, a child who is a 2022 Missouri Scholars Academy Scholar and All-State Band q… h
he GOP can only win by scaring their base, but the kids aren’t scared of trans folks, abortion, or CRT. They are p… h
he fact that Missouri Senator Mike Moon said that 12 year olds can be married off to adults just sickens me. My da… h
his is a youth wrestling tournament sponsored by Adidas Wrestling Nationals at Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence,… h
en Z: we want safe public schools, livable wages, climate action, less gun violence, and bodily autonomy. GOP: l… h
TG got the New York welcome that every racist, fascist, Q loving, school shooting promoter, insurrectionist should… h
e banned lawn darts after 3 kids died in accidents. We banned a dresser from IKEA because it was flawed and killed… h
eachers, I know many of y’all are trying to be apolitical but folks are coming for you. Stand up for yourself and… h
he Missouri GOP has invited a DeVos-paid hack to their fundraiser. School Vouchers are a F’king scam that harm vul… h