ook at this picture, here a mothers milk visibly changed overnight to meet the demands of her baby who was unwell… h
nake perfectly tracking mortar lines reminiscent of a game h
imachlamys crassicostata is a species of scallop found in Southeastern Asia. These are juveniles ? @K_theHermit h
fascinating close up of how a bee stinger works ? Stated Clearly h
he flock dynamics of sheep being guided through a gate with the assistance of sheep dogs. ? rural.riley via TikTo… h
horn sharks egg, the spiral ridges on the case provide it with a strong grip in rocky crevices ensuring stability… h
he defensive position of a corn snake ? IG j.dollsphotowall source of video; h
town built on a bridge in China’s Chongqing city h
he day the stink bug waved back Video from @tanaka_y_r h
n the city of L'Aquila in Italy there is a fountain is called Fontana Luminosa “luminous fountain” When the sun… h