elensky is not just angry because he's short, has no friends and was rejected by NATO... He's also angry because… h
ussia didn't blow up their own pipeline. Russia didn't attack the Kremlin. Russia didn't blow up their Crimean bri… h
find it almost poetic that #FranceHasFallen, while Russia is stronger than ever before. h
ould you imagine what the Western MSM’s response would be if this happened in Putin’s Russia? h
he French have burned down an entire shopping center in their ongoing coup. I don’t remember seeing anything this… h
he current situation in France is more of a coup than what we saw with Wagner in Russia last week — but the Wester… h
agner has officially liberated Bakhmut on the one year anniversary of the liberation of Mariupol ?? Z h
200 Billion to Ukraine, $0 to homeless veterans. American governance in a nutshell. h
resident John F. Kennedy: “No nation in the history of battle ever suffered more than the Soviet Union in the Seco… h
appy Victory Day Russia ???? Z h