ahore, History will salute you! It was War against people! This clip captures its tyranny, ferocity & it’s soul…! h
ahore bravely fights for Imran Khan; Punjabis & Pathans shoulder to shoulder united against the forces of fascism!… h
any in media talk of a "London Plan" agreed upon between Nawaz Sharif & the Ex-Army Chief. They argue that politic… h
cross the world, people are watching these visuals & wondering what is going on in Pakistan? Why this police bruta… h
akistan's Night of Defiance & Street Fighting! Sharif Dynasty with the help of military establishment is breathing… h
ear All, I have signed; you should sign too & let it spread! Petition · Urgent Appeal for Action against Human Rig… h
lear Evidence of Murder in Police Custody - under CM Mohsin Naqvi; will there be a FIR? Will western liberal media… h
his Podcast recorded few hours before news of Gen. Amjad Shuaib's Arrest expressed this innocent hope that Pakista… h