indsay Graham wants the FBI to tell everyone "they're sorry" after the Durham report. "Hey, I'm sorry for my trea… h
onest, tax-paying, hardworking Americans are sick and damn tired of this corruption in the FBI and 99% of Washingt… h
sing a hoax to launder money to your friends. Biden Regime Announces $11 Billion Investment to Tackle Climate Ch… h
f the FBI will frame a sitting President - do you think they'll hesitate to frame you?… h
he biggest treasonous scandal in U.S. history against a sitting President and "we the people" was exposed yesterda… h
hite supremacy is such a problem in the USA - the Feds have to form the most laughable obviously fake hate group y… h
6 Political Prisoner on GOP Cover-Up: 'Hey Kevin McCarthy, Where The Hell Is The F**** Footage From January 6 That… h
ox News suddenly wants to cover Trump rallies again now that they’ve tanked in the ratings for foolishly getting r… h
s a US citizen, the first amendment guarantees you free speech. Therefore, don’t be afraid to say exactly what y… h
f this doesn’t piss you off - nothing will. h