lon Musk just SLAMMED the criminal conviction of meme maker Douglass Mackey to over 3 million people on Twitter Sp… h
he FBI raided Mar-a-Lago on August 8, 2022. The Biden Admin said it was "stunned" and the National Archives claime… h
hy is the legacy media conveniently leaving out of its reporting the fact that Garrett Foster pointed an AK-47 at… h
epublicans believe that criminals with guns should go to jail. Democrats don’t. So who wants more gun violence? C… h
agree, Matt. Let's start with Budweiser. Since 2008, it's been owned by a Dutch multinational. Plenty of America… h
less reported outcome from yesterday's Wisconsin election is that Rs won a supermajority in the state senate, 22-… h
BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has confirmed he is running for president as a Democrat.
f you're the first prosecutor to break a 250 year precedent and arrest a former President, you'd assume it would b… h
urns out the transgender female who murdered 6 in Nashville planned her hate crime FOR MONTHS. And while Joe Bide… h
illary Clinton paid for the fake Steele Dossier causing years of national turmoil, the upheaval of Trump's first t… h