he unvaccinated across the globe endured unprecedented discrimination for refusing the permanently unsafe, ineffec… h
xperts agree with @DrAseemMalhotra calling for market withdrawal of all #covidvaccines I concluded the 2022 US S… h
ULSE: A recent lawsuit has been filed against President Joe Biden, the US Surgeon General, the CDC, and others fo… h
ne clear cut #COVIDVACCINE death in a young person where it was not clinically indicated nor medically necessary s… h
ussie teacher Dylan Oakley on why any vaccine is a personal choice. Should never be mandated or required for empl… h
r Moon describes professional retaliation she experienced after her testimony in the US Senate on pediatric safety… h
@WHO said DO NOT USE Remdesivir Nov 20, 2020. Followup Solidarity Data May 2022 confirmed it has no efficacy only… h
S-like mRNA C19 vax syndrome developed after booster in former teacher, @ParlHouseCBR @ausgov Reviewed in-person… h
he only new widespread population exposure was mass indiscriminate vaccination with the genetic code for the letha… h
ass vaccination worsened not lessened mortality. Failure to stop C19 combined with fatal #covidvaccine syndromes… h