3 May 1939 | A German Sinti girl, Anna Reinhardtm was born in Niersbach. In #Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) in… h
2 May 1914 | A Czech Roma, Isidor Holomek, was born in Kněžpole. In #Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) in #Auschwitz II-… h
he two pictures are 11 years apart. On 10 May 1933 the Nazi party staged ideological spectacle of burning of 'u… h
0 May 1940 | A German Sinti girl, Hildegard Franz was born in Berlin. In #Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) in… h
??? 'Auschwitz. From A to Z. An Illustrated history' in over 300 short entries we explain some of the most important… h
lse Weber (b. 1903) worked as a night nurse in Theresienstadt ghetto's infirmary and had the courage to secretly w… h
May 1942 | A German Sinti boy, Paul Pohl, was born in Teterow. In #Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) in #Auschwitz II-B… h
May 1939 | A German Sinti boy, Bellman (or Belami) Fischer, was born in Berlin. In #Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) i… h
May 1940 | A German Sinti girl, Ursula Bock, was born in Berlin. In #Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) in #Auschwitz II… h
uschwitz I. Block 4. Pallets of Zyklon B used to murder people in gas chambers in the camp. A pesticide took the… h