nbelievable! So the doctor who informed that police left Ali Bilal at hospital & he was already dead has been tran… h
his is the ultimate display of fascism - when u murder someone & then refuse to register their father's FIR design… h
ore disgrace for Imported govt & its fascism. UN Secretary General's office takes note of attempt to stop peaceful… h
ontinuing in fascist tradition, Zubair Ahmed Khan being abducted in darkness of night by 'unknown' known state emp… h
narmed women workers of PTI being attacked by water cannons & police attack vehicles parked by the side in a wanto… h
ypocritical when u continue to work for a man who has unleashed a reign of terror in Punjab destroying all constit… h
ow Nawaz Sharif defended India by stopping Mofa from calling out India on terrorism in Pak despite documentary evi… h
ndeed it is. He refused to give ALOC & bases too for mly use esp against Afghanistan. As he kept reiterating we ar… h
f all are equal before law then why is SS not being arrested for contempt since he gave guarantee for criminal bro… h
hat can u expect from this unsavoury character who has no respect for Constitution or the law? Really needs to go… h