oin me in calling for all #CovidVaccines to be pulled from the market. Let others know if you are happy with the… h
here is selection bias on autopsy data, however papers from Chavez, Schwab, Esposito, Nushida, have reported most… h
f there is myopericarditis, our cardiology position papers say athletes should not exercise. If they do, the adre… h
linical diagnosis of #CovidVaccines myopericarditis is a contra-indication for more ill-advised shots. No "civic… h
et's keep @WHO out of human sexuality and out of our lives by dropping this organization and taking control of our… h
ery positive ICON Study (Rajter et al, Florida published in CHEST 2020), every inpatient should have received iver… h
@WHO Pandemic Treaty is organized crime heist of all-time. Brazen bio-pharmaceutical complex going for global GDP… h
dults and kids look happy and healthy. Living free of myocarditis, blood clots, POTS, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, MI… h
s a doctor I never thought in my wildest imagination about humans "super-vaccinated" every six months with long-la… h
very study of recurrent Omicron demonstrates the superiority of natural immunity in the unvaccinated. Repeated in… h