have to share something hilarious with you guys. I’m in Iowa with hundreds of voters tonight for a rally. There… h
alking through the airport tonight and almost everyone gave me the thumbs-up. I’m not at all surprised. We th… h
stand with President Donald J. Trump h
obbs in an embarrassment to Arizona. Israel Heritage Foundation Calls on Katie Hobbs to Fire Cabinet Member w/ A… h
AWKEYES! ? I’m headed back to my old stomping grounds for a RALLY! Join me THIS Wednesday at The Airliner for… h
aricopa County is lying, again. What are you trying to hide Stephen Richer & Maricopa County? The statute—gives… h
Can’t afford groceries. Can’t afford gas. 81 million votes, my a$s. Stolen, corrupt elections have catastrophic consequences.
don't care what political party you are. I don't even care if you hate me. I am fighting to restore free and fa… h
he unAmerican losers behind 8 years of constant attacks on President Trump have put this country through hell tryi… h
aricopa County has been illegally outsourcing Signature Verification to a third-party vendor, who uses a threshold… h