HO - The Pandemic Treaty With the amended International Health Regulations behind it, will see the WHO in control… h
.K. - Today at 4pm Parliament will debate the Pandemic Treaty! You don’t have much time left to make yourself hea… h
RAGUE - Tens of thousands of people are protesting against the government, for spending too much money and energy… h
RANCE - The Media aren’t showing you the brutality of the police, as they try and quash any dissent against Macron… h
RANCE - Paris burns as the people lose their final legal battle against the State. I don’t think they care about… h
RANCE - Macron’s riot police engaged in tyranny & attacking unarmed citizens, even young women. There’s been no c… h
LON - A lesson to reporters following the paid for narrative, you will be outed! You will be shamed and you will n… h
.K. - Little Rishi ‘Trudeau’ is pushed around quite a lot. Here’s a French war ship telling a British ferry to de… h
ACRON - in the Netherlands giving a speech on the future of Europe. interrupted by members of the audience. “I th… h
ISHI ‘TRUDEAU’ - Unelected globalist reminds the U.K. their voices and their votes count for nothing! Rishi will… h