hat the hell is going on in Mexico? They can’t capture narco terrorists or stop fentanyl trafficking, but they can… h
emember this? Well now more than ever it’s being proven right. If they can take him out they’re one step closer to… h
e’s right and you all know it! PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Standing before you today, I am the only candidate who can make… h
hy isn’t the media covering this? How much more are they covering up? If it was me I’m sure they’d be all over it… h
I guess if East Palestine, Ohio had more major Democrat donors they’d be getting a bail out like Silicon Valley Bank.
don’t remember banks collapsing under Trump… but don’t worry guys it’s only a matter of time till Biden/media bla… h
.D. Vance: GOP Must Represent People of East Palestine Against Corporate Special Interests, Big Government h
on’t believe anything that you see in the video. Believe the politicized report from the person who reported direc… h
was told the QAnon shaman was leading an insurrection not the one who is being led by police throughout the capit… h
??The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account.” By… h