prime is a Gaussian prime if it cannot be written as the sum of two integer squares. More generally, a Gaussian p… h
untjac deer have two large glands located just in front of the eyes, called the pre-orbital glands. They use their… h
aving lots of body hair makes it harder for biting insects such as mosquitos to get a good chomp of you. It's pret… h
espite their titanic, tank-like bulk, rhinos can be amazingly swift: the fastest may reach at least 50 km/h (31 mp… h
B-2 Spirit bomber flying over Miami. Imagine what one could think about this 35 or more years ago: an alien space… h
simple and immediate, but still surprising optical effect provided by refraction [source, c.apichet:… h
ea otter mothers have been observed to lick and fluff a newborn for hours; after grooming, the pup's fur retains s… h
ares are among the fastest and agile animals: they can run up to 72 km/h and jump as far as 3 meters at a time. Th… h
culpting Freddy Mercury Artist Juliana LePine makes impressively detailed and anatomically realistic miniature sc… h
his bonsai tree, currently housed in the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C, was planted in 1625, it's 398… h