REAKING: A federal judge sentences a Florida Trumper who viciously beat a fallen Capitol Officer on the Capitol st… h
REAKING: The former Sergeant of the Capitol Police drops bombshell, demands the immediate removal from office of T… h
REAKING: Donald Trump gives the WORST excuse ever for leaving his supporters with empty stomachs after promising t… h
REAKING: The Cuban restaurant in Miami that hosted Donald Trump’s post-arraignment campaign stop is hit with devas… h
REAKING: Legendary CNN anchor Chris Wallace, who previously worked for Fox News, gives the MAGA movement devastati… h
REAKING: A judge unseals bombshell emails sent by Donald Trump’s son Trump Jr. in which he launches racist attacks… h
REAKING: President Biden scores a major win for diversity and deals a powerful blow to Republican bigots as the U.… h
REAKING: Miami reporters humiliate Trump, reveal that he left the federal courthouse after his federal indictment… h
REAKING: Country music superstar Garth Brooks defies Republicans, declares that he will absolutely serve Bud Light… h
REAKING: Lauren Boebert gets humiliated dying a hearing by the Oversight Committee as Congressman Jamie Raskin and… h