f anyone had any doubts abt Rana Sana's murderous intent towards Imran Khan, this is a direct threat given by cab… h
bductions made then arrest thru sham FIRs. Anyone who dares to utter a word of dissent is removed one way or anoth… h
ery disturbing. When our lawyers were beaten back at door of Judicial Complex on 18 March then who are these Unkno… h
ou liar perhaps u r plain dumb bec its your state terrorist antics in Punjab and Islamabad that have exposed your… h
trongly.condemn but these r Zardari henchmen. Let's see if police can NAB and actually see the guilty to the gallo… h
tate terrorism at Zaman Park has crossed all bounds. The police & unknowns beat up 2 of IK's domestic staff & took… h
his is not how u implement even a search warrant. This is pure State terrorism. Some within the State delib it see… h
ssault on IK residence in Zaman Park. Total law of the jungle. State will destroy Pakistan to implement London Pla… h
t is now clear the State in their growing frustration & anger at nation standing behind Imran Khan have laid a tra… h
magine this is Imported Govt's federal education minister speaking at a university convocation. Utter embarrassmen… h