It looks like Fauci allowed: Gain-of-function research, in a lab in China, that wasn’t up to code, with our tax dollars.
irst, the FBI put “threat tags” on parents protesting at school board meetings. Now, they’re putting “threat tags… h
Why did they lie about #COVID’s origins? Why did they lie about gain-of-function research? Why did they lie about natural immunity?
D.C. Democrats just gave NON-CITIZENS the ability to vote in elections. Saying it again, ONLY Americans should vote in American elections.
.C. elites like Fauci, Biden, and Buttigieg think they’re better than us. But not President Trump. And that’s ex… h
he people of East Palestine have shown us once again that D.C. elites don’t get Real America. h
here’s been a nearly 850% surge in illegal alien crossings from Canada to the U.S. That doesn’t include the disa… h