REAKING: Bombshell Report Shows Biden White House Involved With Trump Mar-a-Lago Raid h
REAKING: Biden Could Be FINISHED— Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files To Challenge Him In 2024 h
reat News For Trump As Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Exposes The Weak Indictment – ‘The Case Should Be Dismissed’ h
t’s time—it’s long overdue—for Republican DAs to bring felony charges against leading Democrats and leftists. Two… h
f Republican DAs around the country are ready to bring criminal charges against Democrats, they can start with the… h
ragg can’t like seeing this. h
ny reason the police should not arrest or shoot them? Ashli Babbitt’s mom I’m sure would be interested in hearing… h
an assault weapons? Well, cars kill more people than guns do. But we blame the drivers. We don’t ban large or fast… h
f America was structured on “white supremacy,” we’d expect to see whites on top in virtually all measures of acade… h
anhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg Must ‘Come Forward’ to Congress by Tomorrow or Face Consequences h