f the Republicans nominate either Trump or DeSantis, anyone who doesn't vote for the Democratic nominee will be pa… h
xactly right! @RepRaskin is spot on. There’s nothing optional about the 14th Amdt. “Invoking” the 14th isn’t even… h
4th Am Sec 4 isn’t a weapon POTUS can opt to “use” or not — not a superpower but a RULE binding the whole govt: DE… h
he very existence of the useless borrowing ceiling set by 31 U.S.C. sec 3101 is causing growing economic harm ever… h
never imagined I’d see the day when countries like the UK, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Uruguay wo… h
ecause the Supreme Court Justices who really don’t belong on the Court obviously won’t leave voluntarily or be rem… h
he judge presiding over Dominion v. Fox is totally right: Murdoch and his son have no basis to duck out. They ne… h
pplaud “the students of Nashville, Tennessee, who left their classrooms and peacefully protested gun violence in t… h
he rapidly of this ruling by Chief Judge Boasberg ordering Pence to testify before Jack Smith’s grand jury bodes w… h
r. Trump is an ordinary citizen. Indicting him for crimes when the facts & law warrant shouldn’t be seen as unprec… h