hehryar Khan & Zahid nawab Khan, both were arrested from Imran Khan chowk Bani Gala. Both are Pashtuns and support… h
ull house, sorry only 200 people. #Minar_e_Pakistan_Jalsa h
ormer Member of National Assembly Jamshed Dasti formally joined Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf. h
merican-Pakistanis & PTI workers are protesting for the immediate release of a well know journalist Siddique Jan a… h
mran Khan played this video in his speech. He called it a death trap. h
am Pashtun and a proud Pakistani ??❤️ #IamPashtun h
uslim League Z President Ijaz Ul Haq joined PTI. h
his isn’t Zaman Park. Don’t delete this tweet. h
olice stopped Khan’s convey at Islamabad interchange. High risk of clashes between Khan workers and Police. h
mir Mir called him a militant too. His name is M Iqbal & he’s from Swat. #SackAmirMir h