hapter 11 of Robert F. Kennedy's Letter to Liberals is exceptionally damning on the lockdown collateral damage fro… h
his can't be retweeted too many times. Appalling barely describes it. Two years of absolute lies and tyranny. Susp… h
warning. And, I'm afraid, an accurate warning: h
ake Back Alberta (enough of @JustinTrudeau). I'll be in Red Deer May 22 for a public event/lecture/and likely Q an… h
nough with the Lia. This is William Thomas, a narcissistic man deluded and self-serving enough to claim his pathet… h
oming your way, Canadians: Bill C-11 is just the beginning. This is where Ireland already stands: h
'mon, Alex, it's well-known that marijuana gives everyone an edge in speed while testosterone, particularly in ute… h
hey weren't put in place in Sweden and there is no evidence of increased mortality there even in the midst of the… h
h look. The science indicates that there is no evidence that lying to vulnerable children and then butchering them… h
erhaps take a glance at #ClimateScam and understand: green policies have done nothing but make energy more expensi… h