EF - Has penetrated the functioning of the U.K. government to such an extent that it’s allowing the WEF to ‘co des… h
.K. - Ministry of Truth was led by Oliver Dowden MP during lockdown. Where he directed the silencing of all th… h
RANCE -The people v. Macron who has circumvented his parliament at the whim of the globalists. The UK is about t… h
ILL GATES - This is Bill’s mosquito factory in Columbia. It’s the largest in the world. 30 million genetically m… h
.K. - Dame hood for totalitarian Dame Jucinda Ardern. The U.K. honours the WEF chosen in the Royal honours list.… h
ERBIA - The 5th week of protests against the government. Silence from the media. They don’t want to give you idea… h
.K. - Suck it up tax payers! The conspiracy theorists were right. Yet again! The conservative government is to tr… h
5 MINUTE CITIES - The UK government has announced Active Travel England will be responsible for cutting all car jo… h
ET ZERO - Anything France can do we can do better…. Banning short haul flights in the U.K. and even lowering lon… h
HO - Finally the U.K. media begins to see the danger. Pandemic Treaty could impose lockdown on the U.K. . What t… h