hey call us conspiracy theorists for talking about the New World Order and the Great Reset. Politicians across th… h
.P. Morgan was Tesla's financial backer. He heard about his free wireless energy and shut him down. h
he great pyramid of Antarctica can be found at these coordinates: 79°58'39.2"S, 81°57'32.2"W. Of course, it's not… h
igh school physics proves 9/11 was an inside job. Don't take my word for it, listen to the architects and engin… h
.P. Morgan funded the building of the Titanic, and cancelled his long-awaited journey just hours before its propos… h
miss the 90's h
The company behind all those pink ribbons, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, uses less than a dime of each dollar to actually look for a cure.
here was George H. W. Bush on November 22, 1963? Was he in Dallas Texas at Clint Murchison's house meeting with… h
ill Gates is a threat to mankind. h