hank you for the support @SpotifyKR ✨ Listen LIGHTS on Spotify?: h
??? JOOHONEY The 1st MIni Album 'LIGHTS' ✨ JOOHONEY 주헌 Photoshoot 'FREEDOM' - Behind The Scenes #주헌 #JOOHONEY… h
isten to JOOHONEY's "FREEDOM" and the hottest K-hiphop tracks on @spotify KrOWN playlist! Thank you @spotifyKR… h
??? JOOHONEY The 1st MIni Album 'LIGHTS' ✨ 'FREEDOM' 응원법 안내 ('FREEDOM' Cheering Guide) #주헌 #JOOHONEY #몬스타엑스… h
??? JOOHONEY The 1st Mini Album 'LIGHTS' ✨ Release message has arrived ? #주헌 #JOOHONEY #몬스타엑스 #MONSTA_X #MONSTAX… h
OOHONEY The 1st Mini Album 'LIGHTS' ✨ 'LIGHTS' Preview Release on 2023.05.22 6PM (KST) #주헌 #JOOHONEY #몬스타엑스… h
ew days until the release! PRESAVE JOOHONEY's 'LIGHTS' now :) 2023.05.22 6PM (KST) ? h
OOHONEY The 1st Mini Album 'LIGHTS' ✨ 'FREEDOM' MV Teaser Release on 2023.05.22 6PM (KST) #주헌 #JOOHONEY… h
??? JOOHONEY The 1st Mini Album 'LIGHTS' ✨ TURN ON THE 'LIGHTS' Teaser #2 #주헌 #JOOHONEY #몬스타엑스 #MONSTA_X #MONSTAX… h
OOHONEY The 1st Mini Album 'LIGHTS' ✨ CONCEPT PHOTO Ver.3 Release on 2023.05.22 6PM (KST) #주헌 #JOOHONEY… h