I hate being yelled at. there are many ways to effectively communicate w/o raising your voice & being disrespectful
our 20s is for whatever you want it to be, if you wanna get married, pregnant, or if you wanna travel, date.... wh… h
ating is so partner oriented nowadays, I had to really teach myself talking to someone 24/7 is not normal or healt… h
ou can heal while IN a relationship or WITH someone, as long as y’all both understand you’re still accountable fo… h
think when you’re transitioning from being a people pleaser to someone with more boundaries it’s so weird, becaus… h
you have to learn that most people are at war w/ themselves & the way they move has nothing to do w/ you
ating to marry isn’t pressure, it’s purpose. I wouldn’t be with someone if I didn’t see them as a potential future… h
eing w someone you click w so naturally is the best feeling ever. You feel like you’ve been best friends your whol… h
??Hey babe, imma be really busy today and can’t talk much, but i love you and i will hit you up as soon as I’m avail… h
S/o to anybody taking care of my name when I’m not in the room.