AIDERS OF THE LOST ARK was released 42 years ago today. The first Indiana Jones movie and one of Steven Spielberg’… h
URASSIC PARK was released 30 years ago today. One of the most successful and influential blockbusters ever made, t… h
.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL was released 41 years ago today. One of the biggest box office hits of all time, the beh… h
enry Thomas' incredible audition to play Elliott in E.T. You hear Spielberg at the end say "Okay, kid, you got th… h
ehind the scenes on BACK TO THE FUTURE, Michael J. Fox learning some killer licks before filming the Battle of the… h
LIEN was released 44 years ago today. One of the definitive science fiction/horror movies, its influence is still… h
HE SHINING was released 43 years ago today. Not a huge success on its release, it has gone down as one of Stanley… h
HE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK was released 43 years ago today. One of Hollywood’s most popular films and most acclaimed s… h
FRICAN GAZE was an exhibition showcasing the weird and wonderful art form that is the Ghanaian movie poster. Thes… h
idley Scott’s swords-and-sandals classic GLADIATOR was released 23 years ago today. An enormous production full of… h