ideo of a journalist exposes the #May9th_FalseFlag operation by PDM h
0,000 Pakistani Americans Petition to Human Rights Organizations including United Nations, Amnesty International,… h
English Subtitles] Sheheryar Afridi, ex-federal minister is being detained in a death cell for exercising his rig… h
ormer MNA and PTI leader @ShandanaGulzar writes to Human rights organizations! Link: h
e received this video from Chairman Imran Khan with a note "very good lesson that we as a Nation need to learn and… h
ist of our speakers at the webinar on Pakistan’s Economy, in particular the #Budget2023 PTI Chairman… h
??Today I’m facing more than 150 cases, I’ve faced 2 assassination attempts and now military courts are being set up… h
??My family is now being targeted too. My wife, and sisters are now being threatened through cases and arrest warran… h
??Only a fresh, free and fair elections can restore the confidence in investors. If we continue like this, Pakistan… h
??I don’t want talks because of my personal interests, Allah has given me everything already and my Nation stands wi… h