BDC - U.K. trade bodies warn of mass panic Bank runs if the Digital £ isn’t limited to £5000. They underestimate… h
.K. - Meanwhile in the U.K. The police refuse to respond to an urgent request for help because “Then I’d have to… h
ETHERLANDS- Whilst you’re distracted by France, the Dutch government is hoping you won’t notice their police bruta… h
.K. BANKS - For those stating account closures weren’t happening. Societal engineering is being conducted by corp… h
.K. - This MP proudly announces her vote to destroy the parent and child relationship and allow schools to withhol… h
.K. - Inflation figures announced as … EXACTLY THE SAME! At 8.7% Proving interest rate rises do NOT work, if inf… h
.K. - As well as burning 15,000 pallets of PPE per month! to conceal evidence of incompetent procurement, the gove… h
HO - Look who represents the U.K. on the executive Board of the WHO. If you thought our negotiators may have bala… h
ROPAGANDA - Killer virus killing 1 person per SECOND! Is on its way to the U.K. As the WHO pushes its global he… h
.K. - MPs are warning the worlds deadliest diseases are coming to the U.K. because of …… Climate change?? They th… h