rump’s two impeachments can’t be “expunged” any more than his term as president can be. Erasing the past isn’t a t… h
n a just world, Durham would be investigated for the crime of violating 18 U.S.C. § 1001 ⬇️ h
o Justice Alito & the WSJ unethically leaked elements of ProPublica’s ongoing investigation into Alito’s unethical… h
ur situation is more fragile now than at any time since the Civil War. Neither Watergate nor Bush v. Gore were com… h
??Trump actually wants to break our system, because he and people like him only thrive in a broken system. So he kee… h
hutzpah defined: Saying Judge Merchant’s $35 donation to a couple Democratic groups 3 yrs ago disqualifies him fro… h
he’s clearly violating the First Amendment per Richmond Newspapers v. Virginia (1980), the first Supreme Court cas… h
his interview with a superb former federal prosecutor, @DennisAftergut, is the best explanation yet published of j… h
??Holding Trump accountable for his criminal behavior, from Dr. Bandy Lee’s vantage point, could act as an antidote… h
ere’s why the recusal law REQUIRES Judge Cannon to turn the Trump trial over to a judge whose “impartiality” canno… h