Vs a problem on German autobahn: "Under slow moving, stop-and-go conditions, a battery charge dwindles rapidly an… h
ust in from NOAA: America not warming since June 2005 despite a 42% increase in industrial era atmospheric CO2.… h
ust in from @NOAA: May 2023 cooler by 0.02°F than May 1896 in US, despite 1,000% increase in industrial era CO2.… h
ust in: Global cooling from January 2015 thru May 2023. Minute by minute average global temp indicates a -0.296… h
he C-14 study debunking the climate hoax continues to soar in Altmetric rating. It is now ranked #551 (Monday at… h
he C-14 study debunking the climate hoax continues to soar in Altmetric rating. It is now ranked #596 (yesterda… h
limate scammers... wrong again: Estimates of Antarctic melting are 3,000% wrong. Antarctica gained 661 billion t… h
he C-14 study debunking the climate hoax has rocketed up in Altmetric rating. It is now ranked #683 out of almost… h
limate communists are targeting our energy and food supplies b/c they believe 8 billion is way too many people. T… h
ot the narrative: New study reports the Antarctic ice shelf area has grown by 5,305 square kilometers between 200… h