t's an uphill battle recovering from a stroke, and Republicans think it's hilarious to mock that. I don't. I'll… h
was pulled over for speeding today. When you get pulled over for speeding, you usually know how fast you were go… h
ood morning and Happy Arraignment Day Tuesday to all who observe. Today is an historic day, the first time a forme… h
EY REPUBLICANS: Donald trump wasn't indicted by - President Biden - Merrick Garland - Democrats in Congress - Wo… h
o weird how most of the people who are complaining about this LGBTQ rainbow flag are also driving around with stup… h
ep. Jamie Raskin is a courageous and principled person, and he'd make a FANTASTIC Senator. He's deciding whether o… h
'll take the inspirational, intelligent Amanda Gorman over fascist Ron DeSantis any day. Shame on Florida schools… h
WEEPS: Kevin McCarthy is playing chicken with our economy, and he doesn't care if Social Security checks don't go… h
'm confused, they have all these investigations focused on Hunter Biden, but not a single one on why Jared Kushner… h
ood morning and Happy Wednesday to everyone who is disappointed that Dominion didn't hold Fox News' feet to the fi… h