xcess deaths if they were all subject to autopsies would find majority of those vaccinated died because of the… h
thletes have higher rates of C19vax myocarditis because of myocardial flow, LVH, and adrenaline surges. mRNA and… h
ensorship of McCullough Protocol @Covid19Critical and similar home regimens killed hundreds of thousands of Americ… h
alse counterclaim by uncredentialed "fact-checker" Ed Payne--NOT a doctor, editor, or reviewer! Why is he concern… h
io-pharmaceutical complex/Elsevier/Lancet learning each act of scientific censorship fails to suppress clinical da… h
lsevier and Lancet's attempt to censor the largest study of autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination is blowing up wit… h
errible news. The oncogenic promoter SV40 introduces whole new level of cancer threat. All C19 vaccines should be… h
osted Hulscher et al paper on @ZENODO_ORG to download. We will persist in peer-review process despite corrupt cen… h
ust have put pressure on Lancet take our paper down. 325 deaths with autopsies, 73.9% adjudicated causal to the C… h
hanks to Daily Skeptic for quick work--posted full censored paper by Lancet! "Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autop… h