hen all the data are analyzed we will find in the end that our seniors like they were at risk with #COVID19 they w… h
f someone wants to make the case they are “safe” then let’s see it. Let’s hear an explanation for the thousands of… h
his article is a goldmine on the "misinformation" industry. Huge $$$ flowing to unversities and non-profits to pu… h
ife in a future detention facility under @wef @who control and the offer of a new genetic drug. Doesn’t this soun… h
ublic protection from mRNA is needed right now. Coming at us from all directions! #courageousdiscourse… h
reaking--Swiss Office of Public Health quietly drops recommendation for #CovidVaccines "Basically, no Covid-19 vac… h
orrifying estimates C/W Pantazatos, Skidmore, and VAERS deaths x URF=30. 2021 about the same so we are >500K live… h
REAKING—Announcing the “We the People 50, Recall the Shots” Initiative - We The People 50. Calling for immediate r… h
UST RELEASED—“Silenced” a Kiwi film on medical censorship throughout the pandemic. Many of our heroes featured.… h
utopsy studies by Schwab and Chaves show 70-80% of deaths after #CovidVaccines are due to Spike protein myocarditi… h