ore than 140 officers were injured on Jan 6. I’ve said before: How dare anyone diminish or deny the hell they wen… h
wish the happiest Holi to those celebrating love, laughter, goodness, and the arrival of spring during today’s Fe… h
AGA Republicans on the Hill say the only way to be serious about preserving Medicare is to cut it. Well, I think… h
’m sick and tired of talking about trickle-down economics. I ran for president to build the economy from the bot… h
o matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose to learn what we want to know, and not what we should know… h
early 25% of the entire national debt – that took 200 years to accumulate – was added by the last Administration.… h
hancellor Scholz, welcome back to the White House. A lot has happened in the last year. Through everything, Ge… h
midwestern foundry worker. An All-American athlete. One of our nation’s first Black soldiers to earn a Green Bere… h
ook, I’ve been around for a few State of the Unions. I’ve never seen one like mine, where I spoke about Congress… h
work every day to bring down health care costs, and I've called on leaders to do the same. This is what I'm talk… h