nconstitutional x 1,000. h
AM! House Republicans win access to Biden’s foreign banking documents h
he "rob Peter to pay Paul" Biden regime ... - Gas prices explode after shutting down US production ... just dra… h
Good morning ... sure could use some mean tweets, a strong economy, and no banks collapsing about right now.
e elect representatives to represent us - and 95% go to Washington D.C. and start representing themselves on day o… h
f you just lost millions in the Silicon Valley Bank - don’t worry - they really pushed climate change, equity, and… h
In a million years, no way in hell a conservative gets a fair trial in the liberal Washington D.C. cesspool.
t gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Democrats … “ Let’s name that climate change, scare the hell ou… h
If you’ve ever been on the fence about Colin Kaepernick, now you know … a horrible, disgraceful, ungrateful POS.
AG Garland said 5 officers died on J6. This means he’s a liar - so every single thing he says in the future, assume it’s a lie.