t's is now understood that likely the mRNA traveled in the vaccinated mothers milk and was absorbed by the GI trac… h
hy are so many people who took the COVID-19 vaccines apparently fine, while others are suffering heart damage, str… h
hang et al from China loading mRNA into milk has the media talking about this dangerous issue. Synthetic mRNA cod… h
REAKING--Danish study shows 4.2% lots loaded with side effects! Confirms suspicions not all lots are equally safe… h
hinese load mRNA in milk. MO HB 1169 calls for genetic food labels. Project Next Gen is poorly conceived. Wasteful… h
@uscattlemen says no mRNA in beef “at present”. I say should ban it from future use since we now know mRNA can be… h
enetic modification has led to bigger and more hardy fruits, however, we are in a new era where food laced with ge… h
atient Steve Wenger: Mayo Clinic referred to an autoimmune disorder called chronic inflammatory demyelinating pol… h
e wary of online social media influencers paid to push #covidvaccines and spread misinformation on safety and effi… h
REAKING--Biden ends #COVID19 Emergency Declaration one day before scheduled. Should have ended as I indicated Jan… h