nd that's how you do it every time. h
'll never live in your alternate reality. I'll never believe in your alternate reality. I'll never participate in… h
MG - you talk about a damn lying POS. I loathe these lying traitors. h
--K these mentally ill, violent, insane lunatics. h
he fact the FBI refuses to release the manifesto of the trans murderer who targeted and slaughtered 6 Christian in… h
If you only listened to the Democrat party and their media propagandists, you’d think 98% of the world population are transgender.
think it's hilarious Chicago elected a communist mayor to the left of Lori Lightfoot - and they absolutely deser… h
ussia: New Cold War is Over, We Are Now in ‘Hot Conflict With the U.S.‘ h
????? Triggered - and BTW - all the disinformation is from the Democrat propaganda fake news New York Slimes ... and… h
or the record ... I've purposely stayed mostly out of the Trump/ DeSantis Twitter feud because I've always suppor… h