REAKING: Donald Trump defies the explicit orders of the judge in his civil rape case and attacks his alleged victi… h
REAKING: CNN drops bombshell, reveals that “prosecutors for Special Counsel Jack Smith have been asking questions”… h
REAKING: House Democrats STUN Republicans by unveiling a secret plan that they have been putting together since Ja… h
REAKING: Sen. Dick Durbin goes nuclear on the Supreme Court's blatant corruption after Republican Chief Justice Jo… h
REAKING: Donald Trump is humiliated as a leaked tape emerges of him completely freaking out on a reporter aboard h… h
REAKING: E Jean Caroll reveals on the witness stand that she decided to sue Donald Trump for allegedly raping her… h
REAKING: Donald Trump hits a new low as he embraces a deranged Jan. 6th insurrectionist at a campaign rally and te… h
REAKING: Rupert Murdoch's disastrous year worsens as superstar actor Hugh Grant reveals that the Murdoch-owned tab… h
-o-u S-e-e you in court! h
REAKING: Tucker Carlson's terrible week takes a turn for the even worse as it's revealed by inside sources that Ca… h