he Constitution doesn’t say anything at all about ammunition. Until the U.S. can pass sane gun reform, why don’t w… h
etweet if you agree: IT’S THE DAMN GUNS. #GunReform h
LarryHuynh has an idea that would ACTUALLY stop the NRA once and for all. Go to his page and follow him for more… h
know I'm supposed to tweet all day about today’s school shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville. With three… h
an I get an amen? ? #ArrestTrumpNow h
ucker Carlson pathetically begged President Biden to stop Trump's indictment "for the sake of the country." Hey T… h
COOP: Trump is deeply fearful of the criminal charges he’s facing in New York, according to sources close to him.… h
ou. Already. Had. Your. F**king. Turn. ?♀️ h
ountless people have been predicting for years that Donald Trump would be indicted some day, but it’s really incre… h
REAT NEWS: New Mexico passed a bill that requires automatic voter registration, restores felons’ right to vote aft… h