hy Is the US Government Still Pushing Failed Vaccines? - America Out Loud. Failed products should be pulled off ma… h
his girl’s voice is permanently changed to male. She regrets transgender hormones and mastectomy of normal breast… h
lad @YahooNews @YahooCanadaNews @YahooCanada is following me so closely on pediatric injuries disabilities and dea… h
@JustinTrudeau did not “keep as many Canadians alive as possible”. He failed by suppressing/willful blindness to… h
talked @12Johnstockton about his observations and they are accurate. Scores of athletes are dying after… h
XC: Fauci, DOD, & CDC Funded Deadly Pathogen Research At Sudanese Biolab Seized By Militants. - Stephen K Bannon's… h
@PeterHotez "First, something about the mRNA technology isn’t holding up as well. Why? We don’t know yet. That is… h
ood news for billions of #COVIDVACCINE regretters. Urgent need for RCTs. Many won’t wait for them.… h
e is speaking to larger issues at work now. Censorship to promote a global authoritarian narrative. Anyone who g… h
S govt has had a "love affair" with mRNA for decades and it has delivered no therapeutic products and a disaster i… h